Business Formal & Casual dress for Men & Women
Business Formal for Men 1 Dress business formal if you work with customers in a professional setting, such as a bank or office Wear clothes that fit. Clothes that are too tight will be too uncomfortable to work in. Clothes that are too loose will look sloppy and unprofessional. Work attire should be snug without being constrictive. Have a tailor take your exact measurements and suggest specific clothing for you. Though you may not actually purchase those items, you will have an accurate grasp of your measurements when you purchase clothing in the future. Notice how your colleagues dress and use it as your standard. Try to dress at the same level as others in your workplace. 2 Wear a white or colored button-up, long-sleeve, collared shirt. Always tuck your shirt into your dress slacks. Pastel shirts are optimal as they are not too bright or dark. Wear ei...